Postdoc 3 in the ALCIfem project

Rector of the Cracow University of Economics (Kraków, Poland) announces a competitive selection process for the post of a Researcher employee (post-doc) in the research staff at the Center for Advanced Studies of Population and Religion (CASPAR), academic field: political science and public administration, August 2022 - December 2023 postdoc in the research project Activism and Its Moral and Cultural Foundations: Alternative Citizenship and Women's Roles in Kurdistan and The Diaspora (ALCITfem) financed by National Science Centre-Poland in the scope of Grieg programme / Norway Grants.


The candidate will be required to prepare a short proposal with justification of contribution to Work Package 3 (WP3, see the attachment to this call) entitled: "Doing Family": Social negotiation of gender roles among transnational Kurdish families. The proposal must be written in English. The researcher will be required to conduct research related to Work Package 3 with special focus on Kurdish transnational families living in Middle East.


More details under the link.