Conference on Kurdish Studies



  1. Marcin Rzepka, A Short Story of Kurdish Studies in Cracow. Reflections on The Kurdish Studies Conference
  2. Rashad Sabri Rashid, The Role of The Political Factor in The Ethnic Process in Iraqi Kurdistan
  3. Azad Naqshbandi, Arabization of Kurdistan and Deportation of the Kurds in Iraq
  4. Beata Kowalska, The Recent History of The Kurdish Nation - Sociological Remarks
  5. Azad J. Sharif, Kurdish Water Security and Its Role in Kurdish Issue
  6. Bartek Lessaer, Seeking Advocates for The Kurdish Cause in Europe
  7. Jadwiga Pstrusińska, Remarks on the Origin of The Kurds in the Lights of Human Population Genetics
  8. Shukriya Rasul, The Kurdish Genocide and Its Reflection on the Kurdish Novel
  9. Andrzej Zaborski, Silvio van Rooy (1932-1981) and "International Society Kurdistan"
  10. Elżbieta Wiącek, The Image of Kurdistan in the "The Wind Will Carry Us" by Abbas Kiarostami
  11. Marek Smurzyński, Zawłaszczona cudowność kurdyjskiej powszedniości w irańskim filmie M. R. Aslaniego "Czigh" (The Subdued Mystery of the Kurds' daily Life in Mohammad Reza Aslani's Chiq)
  12. Aleksandra Kurczab-Pomianowska, Musique Sacree Kurde. Message D'Ostad Elahi
  13. Fuad Jomma, Narodziny, wesela i pogrzeby w tradycji Kurdów syryjskich
  14. Tomasz Gacek, The Middle Iranian Form Kurd(ig)
  15. Hashem Ahmadzadeh, The Story of The Kurdish Novel in Iranian Kurdistan
  16. Joanna Bocheńska, Historia należy nie tylko do zwycięzców. Wskrzeszanie przeszłości w twórczości kurdyjskiego pisarza Mehmeda Uzuna (History Belongs Not Only To Winners. The Past Raised from Dead. Selected Works of Kurdish Writer Mehmed Uzun)
  17. Christine Allison, Imagining the Book: Fakery, Fantasy and the search for Yezidi Scriptures
  18. Khanna Omarkhali (Usoyan), On the Question of the Genesis of Yezidism in Connection with the Initiation Ceremony in Vedic Religion, Zoroastrianism and Yezidism
  19. Lokman Turgut, Eine Christlich-Religiöse Erzahlung aus der Kurdischen Mündlichen Literatur
  20. Marcin Rzepka, O nowym tłumaczeniu Nowego Testamentu na język kurdyjski (dialekt kurmandżi) (New Kurdish Translation of the New Testament (Kurmanji Dialect)