Postdoc 3 in the ALCITfem project

Rector of the Cracow University of Economics (Kraków, Poland) announces a competitive selection process for the post of a Researcher employee (post-doc) in the research staff at the Center for Advanced Studies of Population and Religion (CASPAR) , academic field: sociology, 30 - months postdoc in the research project Activism and Its Moral and Cultural Foundations: Alternative Citizenship and Women's Roles in Kurdistan and The Diaspora (ALCITfem) financed by National Science Centre-Poland in the scope of Grieg programme / Norway Grants.

The competitive selection process is open for all individuals who meet the requirements set out in Articles 113 and 116.2.3 of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science, and who meet the following eligibility criteria according to § 50 of the Statute of the Cracow University of Economics: 1) Holding at least a doctoral degree; 2) Having relevant scientific achievements;
3) Taking active part in academic life;

Please see the details and required documents in the call attached below.
Attached below you will find also personal data processing approval form (RODO_UEK_EN_form.docx).