Documenting and Archiving Oral Heritage; part 1

We have pleasure to invite to the online seminar Documenting and Archiving Oral Heritage; part 1

Date: 25 February 2021, 18:00 (CET)

with the participation of


Nadîre Güntaş Aldatmaz: Nasnameyo Kollektîf û Folklor (in Zazaki/ Collective Identity and Folklore, translation from Zazaki into Kurmanci: Esat Şanlı)




Mehmet Gültekin: Dengbêjên herêma Serhedê û komkirina berhemên wan (in Kurmanci/ The dengbêjs of Serhad and collecting their works)


Organisers: Jagiellonian University and University of Exeter


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 929 3969 2245

Password: 956923


Nadire Güntaş Aldatmaz is the author of five monographs on Zazaki oral literature. She holds MA in Kurdish language from Mardin Artuklu University and PhD in communication studies from Ankara University. Her doctoral research was entitled "The Disappearance of Community Languages and Communication: The Zazaki Case". Her main field of interests are culture and folklore of Zaza Kurds.


Mehmet Gültekin is the author of six monographs on Kurdish oral tradition and history as well as several articles on the same subject. He holds MA in philology from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University and currently works as a certified translator and court interpreter in Germany.



The seminar is organised in the scope of the research project: Citizens of the World: Modern Kurdish Literature and Heritagisation as A Means for Transforming and Revitalising The Kurdish Language and The Oral Tradition funded by the National Science Centre-Poland in the scope of the Opus 17 programme.